13 Steps To Encouraging Employees in Developing New Healthy Habits

The COVID-19 outbreak has intensified many factors that have been at work during the preceding decade. One of the most basic changes in the tendency toward remote and distributed work. In this environment, a common question we hear from CEOs is, “How do we develop healthy and performance-driving behaviours throughout our front-line personnel, many of whom are more dispersed than ever before?”

The good news is that there is no better time to establish habits than when things are rapidly changing. Habits are automatic actions that occur in response to a repeated stimulus in the environment. Environmental cues are a crucial aspect of habit formation, although they are frequently ignored. Fortunately, significant shifts create opportunities for businesses to assist their staff in creating good and healthy work habits

So, here are some employee health and safety habits.

  1. Encourage usage of fitness trackers at the office

Encourage the use of fitness trackers in the workplace to keep track of every step. Encourage employees to take breaks (minimum 5-minute pauses) and go for a walk while talking with their coworkers. If staff need to hold meetings, they should do so while standing or walking rather than sitting all day, which will cause a slew of health problems. Instead of taking the elevator, they should take the stairs.

  1. Limit your intake of sugary meals and beverages

Most of us experience a mid-afternoon slump at work, and we may feel that a sugary snack or drink from the vending machine will provide us with an essential energy boost. Sugary foods, on the other hand, provide only brief spurts of energy and make us feel far worse.

Increased sugar consumption can result in several health problems, including diabetes. Reduce sugar intake and opt for healthier foods to live a healthier life.

  1. Participate in-office exercises

Many people may find exercising at work strange, yet it is not as uncommon as you may think. Numerous activities may be done in the convenience of the office to keep it active and healthy. Such activities can be a blessing for folks who don’t have time to exercise at home or a gym.

So, take a few minutes out of your day to exercise to stay fit and healthy.

  1. Health benefits of yoga and meditation

We’ve all heard about the incredible health advantages of yoga and meditation. A weekly in-house yoga and meditation session led by specialists will have a hugely significant influence on resolving employee stress and mental health issues. These types of sessions will assist organisations in engaging employees in preventive healthcare activities.

  1. Take frequent short and long breaks

Organizations that adhere to the 9-hour workday rule should allow for a 40-minute lunch break. A shorter lunch break would encourage employees to opt for quick and unhealthy meal options that could be consumed without leaving their cubicles. Longer lunch breaks allow staff to consume healthier foods and go for a short walk after lunch to get some fresh air.

Take short breaks at work because sitting for long amounts of time might be hazardous. Take a walk outside, go to the break room, eat healthy food, or do anything else that will help relax.

  1. Sending emails to employees regarding healthy eating and weight loss

Sending out instructive emails to employees with complete instructions on healthy eating and weight loss, fact-based advice on incorporating low-fat and low-carb foods into their diet chart, and different ways to exercise at home. This necessitates collaboration with a preventive solutions aggregator, which can assist businesses in inviting the top therapists, yoga trainers, nutritionists, and dieticians to lead sessions or provide one-on-one consultations. Individual employees will have adequate room to disclose their difficulties without fear of repercussions and receive tailored counsel.

  1. Hosting biometric screening

Hosting biometric screening will aid in identifying each employee’s issues. The phlebotomist will perform the screening at the workplace, which will include body measurements such as height, weight, BMI (body mass index), waist circumference, and blood pressure. Each employee will be required to submit to a blood test and answer all health-related questions. The results will pinpoint the health conditions that require special care to recover from, as well as provide specific solutions to address the issues.

Also Read: The Vital Role of Diagnostic Services in Healthcare

  1. Interact with others

Socializing with coworkers can significantly reduce workplace stress and improve mental health. Collaborate and interact with the peers at work, and assist them if they require it. This will help to create healthy work relationships and foster a collaborative work environment.

  1. Don’t talk on the phone while you’re at work

Without a doubt, mobile phones are one of the most significant sources of distraction in our lives. Mobile phones continuously entice us to check our alerts, interfering with our capacity to focus at work.

Place the phone face down on the desk, away from you, or, if possible, inside the desk drawer to avoid being distracted.

  1. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages

When we’re having trouble concentrating or feeling drowsy at work, we normally reach for a cup of coffee or tea. Caffeinated beverages, on the other hand, are only beneficial when consumed in moderation. If used in high numbers, they can cause sleepiness, agitation, restlessness, and an increased heartbeat.

To reap the benefits of caffeine safely, limit the intake during the workday.

  1. Organize and clean your workspace

The work environment and workstation can have a big impact on mental and emotional health. Disorganization in the workplace can lead to a lack of concentration, focus, and motivation. A tidy and clean workspace, on the other hand, can increase productivity and performance.

To maximise efficiency, keep the desk tidy daily, keeping everything organised and easily accessible.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water during the day at work. Too little water can cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and a loss of attention.

Drink at least 2 litres of water per day to stay hydrated and alert at work.

  1. Maintain a healthy posture

Always sit erect and maintain proper posture during work. Poor posture can cause neck pain, back pain, eye fatigue, and other health problems. It can also lead to a decrease in productivity and attentiveness. As a result, to be motivated and productive at work, maintain proper posture.

Employees should not be forced to engage in healthy behaviour. Take cautious, deliberate steps.

While the measures mentioned above are beneficial to improving employees’ mental health and productivity, forcing good behavioural adjustments will not work. Organizations must positively affect their employees’ eating habits and lifestyles. Employees spend 9 hours of their 13 waking hours at work. As a result, assisting them in developing dietary habits at work will keep them away from a variety of chronic ailments.