Everything You Need to Know to Select the Best Ambulance

There are different types of ambulances operating in India, catering to different necessities. In some cases, there are also different numbers to contact specific types of Ambulances. Online Ambulance Booking services like Medulance simplify navigating through these complicated protocols. Medulance offers a convenient platform to engage with ambulances operating in your vicinity and also offers these services according to categories. All ambulances are equipped with basic life-saving equipment and medicines for emergencies.

Four categories that Ambulances can be classified into are –

1.  Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance:

BLS Ambulance provides service to patients who are non-ambulatory, bed-confined, and have non-life-threatening conditions. They are suitable if you do not require cardiac monitoring or advanced medical support on your way to the hospital. They are equipped with basic equipment such as oxygen cylinders, stretchers, and BP monitors. A typical BLS ambulance, staffed by caregivers transport, can serve lower extremity fractures, discharges to home and sub-acute care facilities (nursing homes), medical and surgical patients who do not require cardiac monitoring, and psychiatric patients.

2. Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance:

ALS ambulances are used to transport patients who require a higher level of care until they reach the hospital. These emergency ambulance services are staffed with two paramedics who are qualified to render advanced life support to patients and are equipped with advanced life support supplies like cardiac monitors, IV supplies, defibrillators, and resuscitation kits. Patients who typically require ALS transport include medical/surgical patients on continuous intravenous treatment, patients on a cardiac monitor, patients with potential airway compromise, any patient deemed to have a potential complication during transport when reported by the sending facility, and life-threatening medical emergencies (For example respiratory distress, stroke, seizure, or chest pains).

3. Patient Transfer Ambulance:

PTA ambulances are for patients who require continuous clinical monitoring but do not need a time-critical emergency response or those that need mobility assistance. Patient Transport Service provides ambulances to patients who need support to reach their healthcare appointment, or for their admission to and discharge from the hospital, due to their medical/clinical needs.

4. Mortuary Ambulances:

A mortuary van is a funeral vehicle used to carry a deceased patient from hospital to home or to cremation grounds.

This categorization helps users determine which ambulance they want to book online. In addition to these, Medulance also offers Air Ambulances, Freeze boxes, and ICU at-home services. Medulance aims to optimize medical emergency response services and provide you and your loved ones with convenient and comfortable transport.

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